
"Optical Delusion"

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

- Albert Einstein

The Power of Our Intentions!

Periodically, I return to Columbus, OH, to do “Readings in the Round” for Lynn, a wonderful, appreciative hostess. She is one of those natural facilitators who can round up friends and acquaintances with one hand tied behind her back. Out of one of her gatherings sprang another “RIR” group, for which I returned to present a few months later. It was co-hosted by two gals who had come to one of Lynn’s groups. Both gals had lost their partners.

The group actually consisted of...

Exploring the Illusion of Time and Death and Techniques to Slow It Down!

Feeling crunched for time seems to be an inescapable aspect of life that continually overrides our intentions to create a more peaceful and steadier flow in our daily lives. New physics teaches us that time is truly and illusion, though we’re still left to operate in a linear time perspective, often multi-tasking to fit too much into too little time.

Missing the Boat

As Louise prepares to embark on another cruise next week, a previous one in March of '02 comes to mind. One that she missed! Here is the story:

Friday was one of the most challenging of my life; not in a precarious or daunting way, but in that it pushed my limits of frustration and tenacity

New York Stories: Jury Duty

March 1999

I can ride the subway in NYC and observe greater diversity than I have encountered in any other megalopolis in the world—in my albeit limited travels. But participating in the “voir dire” phase of jury selection in three courtrooms has allowed me see more detailed profiles of residents from Manhattan (predominantly from Harlem) and the Bronx.

Healing Relationships Beyond Time and Death

In Louise's ability to see beyond time and death, she is able to show how patterns that originate in our childhood do continue to repeat themselves and influence relationships in the present. Many of our reactions and responses to others—in our personal and professional relationships—are shaped by fears and unresolved issues that we project from the past, as well as our tendency to obsess about the future, the unknown.