Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav has touched the lives of millions of people with his spiritual insights and gentle humor. His award-winning books, Soul Stories,The Seat of the Soul, and The Dancing Wu Li Masters, have been translated into sixteen languages.

Soul Stories, Gary Zukav's latest book, shows how this new understanding of power - authentic power - transforms lives in countless ways. It is the story of his own personal evolution. He writes openly and intimately about his life when he felt jealously, competitiveness, fear, anger and all the other emotions we encounter, and about how his understanding of these emotions changed with his awakening consciousness and recognition of a universe that is alive and compassionate. The Seat of the Soul is nourishment for emerging multisensory humans; those who are leaving behind the limitations of the five senses. It is a lucid stimulation to spiritual growth to those who are beginning to navigate the world of the five senses with the expanded human facilities of intuition and the intelligence of the heart.

His book, The Seat of the Soul is a number one (US)National Bestseller that distinguishes between external power -- the ability to manipulate and control -- and authentic power; the alignment of the personality with the soul. It spells out the differences between the mode of evolution that humankind is leaving behind -- evolution through the exploration of the physical world with the five senses -- and the mode that has replaced it; evolution through responsible choice with the assistance and guidance of nonphysical guides and Teachers.

The Seat of the Soul is nourishment for emerging multisensory humans; those who are leaving behind the limitations of the five senses. It is a lucid stimulation to spiritual growth to those who are beginning to navigate the world of the five senses with the expanded human facilities of intuition and the intelligence of the heart.

The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, which won the American Book Award for Science, has become an internationally acclaimed bible for those who have no background in science or mathematics, but who want to understand quantum physics, relativity, and particle physics. It is a joyful masterpiece that uncovers the fundamentals of advanced physics, and their implications, with surprising clarity and humor.

The New York Times called The Dancing Wu Li Masters "the most exciting intellectual adventure I've been on since reading Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."

Gary Zukav and his spiritual partner, Linda Francis, co founded a non profit organization, Genesis: The Foundation for the Universal Human which supports and encourages individuals in their practice of creating authentic power and spiritual partnership through workshops, retreats and other events. To find out more, visit