
In Louise's ability to see beyond time and death, she is able to show how patterns that originate in our childhood do continue to repeat themselves and influence relationships in the present. Many of our reactions and responses to others—in our personal and professional relationships—are shaped by fears and unresolved issues that we project from the past, as well as our tendency to obsess about the future, the unknown.

All is finally in place! You may now sign in and participate in the New Discussion Boards! We invite you to add your own new topics and comment on the existing ones.

TA DA!! It's happened!—thanks to the long hours of our talented Webmaster. Enjoy all the new features and join in this ever-expanding spiritual community. "All for one, one for all!"

Within 48 hours, you will be able to sign up for your own User name and Password. Then we invite you to participate in the lively and enlightening Discussion Boards, peruse Louise's new Fall '03 Travel Schedule, and much much more.

Read Louise's latest Fall '03 Travel Schedule / Update Postcard if you missed the snail mail version.

To returning US clients...

Another supportive interview with "old friends," anchorpersons Terri and Chuck. Watch Louise "tune-in" to one of the crew.

While in the states, I observed a bit of breath holding regarding...

One more "Louise Goes Live" broadcast (with corresponding meditation)—Mind and Body: "Awesome Mind" will be added to the ongoing rotation of audio programming, before Louise embarks on her upcoming US tour, next Sunday. While on the road, she will send presentations (recorded live) back to "Command Central" to be uploaded for your continued listening interest and enjoyment.

How do we stay out of fear—and live fearlessly—particularly in the face of startling events in our world? This was the topic of Louise's broadcast where she shared some empowering ideas.