
Your Fourth Dimensional Self: Accessing the Link

We are in the midst of a tremendous acceleration in the expansion of consciousness, causing dramatic shifts in our perceptions of time and space, and of death. It is crucial for us to open up to this momentum of change and thereby facilitate our evolution into highly intuitive, "multi-sensory" beings.

It is necessary for the survival of our species that we trust our own ability to perceive beyond linear time, and to receive information that is available from beyond what we now understand as the "illusion" of death.

Seeing Beyond the Illusion of Time and Death

The remarkable consequence of Einstein's Theory of Relativity is that it has revolutionized our ideas of time and space. According to Einstein: "Time is relative to where the observer is standing."

Living Outside of Linear Time

Time truly does not exist, except in the way that we witness it. Through our perceptions, we experience still scenes that are not moving through time. Rather, this is our consciousness moving through these scenes, creating the perception of movement and time according to what our consciousness can perceive.

Making Sense of Senseless Events

People are desperately seeking answers to important questions in the wake of the NYC World Trade Center disaster. Louise Hauck is equipped to respond.

The Future Just Ain't What It Used To Be

It is not unusual to envision a particular future in which you are playing the perfect part in a script that's written and directed by yourself, supported by a cast of characters that adores you and reflects back your most prized attributes.

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross on John Edward

John hosts the syndicated TV show, Crossing Over With John Edward.

USA Weekend, October 11-13, 2002

Kubler-Ross, 76, is the pioneering author of On Death and Dying and many other books. During her work with terminally ill patients in the 1960's, she identified the now-famous five stages of death: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Originally, she was a non-believer in an afterlife, but her years of work with the dying convinced her of the possibility of communicating with the dead.

My Account of the NYC 9/11 Disaster

I watched from my rooftop in NYC as the events of 9/11 unfolded and journaled the sights and sounds I experienced on that day—and in the days that followed.

Here you can view the mural, "September 11" by world acclaimed Seattle French artist/client Isa D'Arleans.